25 February 2013

Passive House Design Tools

PHPP-2007 free version - spreadsheet based design calculation tool aimed at architects and designers to assist the design of houses to the Passivhaus standard. This version of the calculation tool is a reduced functionality demonstration version. A full version including a manual can be purchased from the Passivhaus Institute for 130 Euro. The PHPP energy balance module has been shown to be able to describe the thermal building characteristics of passive houses surprisingly accurately. This applies particularly to the new technique for calculating the heating load, which was developed specifically for Passive Houses. The spreadsheet has 33 component worksheets that deal with considerations such as: summer climate, u-values, heating, cooling, the details of building areas, thermal bridges, window types, shading, heat loss through the ground, ventilation, electricity demand for both domestic and non-domestic cases, compact hear pumps and boilers. As it is spreadsheet based, designers can use PHPP to evaluate design solutions immediately without the need to wait for dynamic simulations to run. The tool provides a demonstration of the capability of the full PHPP spreadsheet to aid the design of passive houses to the Passivhaus standard.

Additional  Passive Tools -passive tools from Passive House Institute US

Energy-Design-Tools -energy design softwares from UCLA

21 February 2013

House reviews(Ep.5-Frustred about your apartment's tight space?)

The architect worked for 3 months w/Resource Furniture & Clei in Italy; customizing the systems for this challenging space which was designed down to the ¼”. He may not have designed the bed systems, but making that space work took a huge amount of expertise/vision.
Founded in 2000 by Steve Spett and Ron Barth, Resource Furniture has gained a reputation for providing Interior Designers, Architects and Specifiers access to European Furniture not widely distributed in the US.
Every person has their own closet too. It's like a rubik's cube apartment. There is even a guest bed!

19 February 2013

House reviews(Ep.4-Live in a box but think outside of the box)

This is how the " think out of the box principle"  has improved the functionality of the small 24 square feet apartment into 24 different rooms.The transformation is credited to an award winning Hong Kong arhitect whose childhood struggle with small space engaged him in a complete transformation of the same apartment he lived for so many years.

15 February 2013

An overview on green home design(Video 6)

 Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript on Case Study:
  • The objective:transforming an existing international style bungalow to a smart passive house
  • The passive solar system chosed:Direct Gain due to proper building orientation
  • The design included a proper solar shading
  • Re-used materials principle for achieving a great insulation
  • The design included the use of great ventilation and air destratification
  • The most used rooms were placed on the south, and efficient appliances were used to save energy
  • A great daylighthing was achieved using glasings in different parts of the room . 

An overview on green home design(Video 5)

 Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript on Green Home Strategies :
  • Use multi-pane glass with U-factor <0.35 and Low-E
  • Tune glass to solar orientation:use low SHGC glass on east and west
  • Skylights not recommended
  • Use natural ventilation,use convection to bring in cool night air in the summer
  • Use cross ventilation
  • Use ceiling fans or heat Recovery Ventilator and air destratification
  • Frecquently used rooms should be located on south side
  • Infrequently used rooms should be located on the nort side
  • Make use of open floor plan
  • Use natural sunlight for health and energy savings
  • Bring in light high with clearstory windows
  • Balance light
  • Bounce light up ith light shelves and blinds
  • Design circulation areas of rooms next to southern glass
  • Use oodles for insulation
  • Make use of thermal break
  • Air-seal the building
  • Use a light-colored roof
  • Make use of solar hot water
  • Make use of solar electricity(PV)
  • Build high quality not high quantity
  • Use high-efficiency appliances and lighting
  • Use local and green materials

13 February 2013

An overview on green home design(Video 4)

Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript of Building orientation
  • Nothing above 15deg to the south ,using the Solar Pathfinder
  • Long side within 15deg of true south
  • Using most of the glass facing south
  • Minimize glass on east and west to avoid summer heat
  • A great strategy is to plant trees on east and west
  • Block the high summer sun externally:X~ltitude+20deg
  • Allow the low winter sun in Y>=sun at solstice
  • Make use of:roof overhangs,trellises,awnings,external shutters,louvers and arbors
  • Use dense material inside a building to store heat energy
  • Thermal mass is most effective when spread out,in walls and located in direct sunlight
  • Use at least 3-9SF of 4”thick thermal mass per SF of south glass
  • Use stone,brick,concrete block(filled),white oak and adobe but become useless if covered with carpet

An overview on green home design(Video 3)

Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript of Indirect & Isolated Gain Systems
  • Indirect gain systems rely on conduction to transfer heat to living space
  • Isolated gain systems rely on convection to take the hot air to living space

An overview on green home design(Video 2)

 Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript of  Direct Gain Systems
  • The sun heats the living spaces
  • With proper thermal mass the south glass~% of the floor area=passive solar
  • Without proper thermal mass,south glass~7% of floor area=sun tempered

05 February 2013

An overview on green home design(Video 1)

 Passive Solar Design Simplified Presentation
Transcript of Overview and Definitions
  • Sustainability is ensuring that our actions and decisions today do not destroy the opportunities of future generations
  • Buildings today consume~40% of our energy causing huge ecological impacts
  • The sun provides the earth more than 10000times the energy we currently use
  • Passive solar will help you save over 80% of heating and cooling bill and will ensure your home’s confort by making it less dependent to traditional sources and thus giving you better return than most investments and can also be of any architectural style
  • Passive solar is the use of the sun in a building(without using technology)
  • Active solar is using the sun to create hot water or electricity(with the help of technology)
  • PV –short for photovoltaic(using active solar to create electricity)
  • Solar Thermal is using active solar to create hot water
  • Direct Gain Systems –heat the actual living spaces of a home and are used for mild to cold climate
  • Indirect Gain Systems-heat only a part of the home spaces but the heat is then redirected to other parts of the home and are used for mild to very cold climates
  • Isolated Gain Systems heat adjacent spaces and are used for cold to very cold climates
  • Keep in mind that you can combine the systems to improve your home’s passive design in terms of comfort and health maintaining a reasonable cost of build .

04 February 2013

Alaska Passive House

House reviews(Ep.2)-Why we need an arhitect

John MacPeek bought what was an old storage room for the building's water tanks and wich actually looked more like a storage room than anything habitable(wich summed to aprox.25m or 270 square feet) ,but with the help of architect Lola Domenech managed to transform this ''over-sized closet'' by opening it to the sea and implementing space-saving ideas like a walk-through shower, a bedroom that becomes a lounge and a refrigerator in a drawer.

02 February 2013

Why we need building science

Watch this video to find out why it is imperative we get both the envelope and the HVAC system right if we hope to achieve any reasonable measure of "green" to our buildings!

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